Die Selbstbindung durch das gegebene Wort ist eine Grundbedingung des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Das Versprechen wirkt in der Moral, im Recht, aber auch in der Liebe. Es gewährt daher einen Blick auf das Verhältnis dieser verschiedenen Formen sozialer Verbindlichkeit zueinander. Weil das Versprechen seine eigene Wirkung aber nie gewährleisten kann, sondern immer voraussetzen muss, wirft es in allen Anwendungsfeldern die Frage auf, wie Bindung gelingt. Dies untersuchen die hier versammelten Beiträge an der Schnittstelle von Recht und Literatur.
To commit oneself by way of giving one´s word is a basic condition of social life. Promise is at work in morality, in law, but also in love. It therefore provides a view of the relationship between these different forms of social commitment. Because a promise can never guarantee its own effect, but must always suppose it, it raises the question of how binding through self-commitment can succeed in all its various fields of application. The contributions making up this volume examine this question at the interface of law and literature.
To commit oneself by way of giving one´s word is a basic condition of social life. Promise is at work in morality, in law, but also in love. It therefore provides a view of the relationship between these different forms of social commitment. Because a promise can never guarantee its own effect, but must always suppose it, it raises the question of how binding through self-commitment can succeed in all its various fields of application. The contributions making up this volume examine this question at the interface of law and literature.